sweetwater high school principal

Phone: (619) 585-2000 . Email:Maribel.Gavin@sweetwaterschools.org, Alexander Salazar "He was a leader on . Mailing Address: P O Box 127, Sweet Water, AL 36782; Principal or Admin: Mr Stan Brown Stokley; Fax: (334) 994-4686; Website: sweetwater.mch.schoolinsites.com Spring Valley, CA 91977-6934 . Email: Jasen.Camunas@sweetwaterschools.org, Timea Wegener . Email:Karina.Campos@sweetwaterschools.org, SayehDjahanbanooi Smartt will replace the former principal effective immediately. Google Map Link opens new browser tab. Sweetwater High School | Principal's Message Assistant Principal Student Last Name Alpha List: A-Gol Email: Nicoleta.Bogart@sweetwaterschools.org. 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 691-5500 Our Coffee with The Principal will meet at least once a quarter to provide you with data and updates on our efforts towards our areas of focus. Principal's Message. 548 County Road 247, Sweetwater, TX 79556 | MLS #3681 | Zillow I am thrilled to welcome your children back to school in person. Staff Directory | Sweetwater High School - Monroe County Schools Founded in 1920, the Sweetwater District has grown to more than 36,000 students in grades 7 through 12 and more than 10,000 adult learners. . Brenda Garcia Assistant Principal . SHS would like to welcome Caleb Slover and his family to the Wildcat family!. School Psychologist Principal's Message; Attendance Information . Last June, Zamudio was abruptly transferred again . 5431 SWEETWATER ELEMENTARY PR5431@dadeschools.net JANET P. OLIVERA . Health Office; Academics; School Contact. Meet Our New Head Football Coach - Caleb Slover!!! Address: 1411 27th Street San Diego, CA 92154. Sweetwater High School Principal Dr. Maribel Gavin told ABC 10News on Tuesday that all classrooms will have hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to clean areas as needed. [CDATA[ Phone: (619) 397-3804 Technology Work Order. This extensive upgrade, which incorporates some of the classic architecture in the new design, with a new three story building housing the new counseling center, administration, library, theater, teacher offices and 31 classrooms. I am honored to serve you, your children, and the Sweetwater community that has a long history of rich SUHi traditions and I am proud to be part of this legacy . Mailing Address: 414 S. High . Email:Karen.adams@sweetwaterschools.org, Nitza Romero Principal. CTE Salary Schedule #1 effective 7-1-2022. About GreatSchools. It is truly an honor that in my first full year here, I get to reopen our school. Boxlight Training. Contact Us. School Closed for Inclement Weather March 3, 2023. web page. Our teachers, counselors, administration, and support staff believe in each student and are here to help students be successful throughout their high school years. At Sweet Water High School our mission is to provide a high quality, comprehensive, and meaningful education for all students, so that . San Diego Unified School District. The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry . Principal's Message. Hello Spartans, It is with great honor and pride that I transitioned from Principal of Chula Vista Middle School to the Principal of Chula Vista High School effective July 1st, 2020. Phone: (619) 474-9713 Attendance Clerk For information regarding LEA accreditation, please visit the US Department of Educations Main Office (619) 397-2000. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', includedLanguages: 'de,es,fr,it,ja,ko,pt,tl,zh-CN,zh-TW', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); If you have any questions, you may call 619-695-8140 or 619-510-8978 between 8:30 am-5pm Monday-Friday or email Sweetwater_COVID_tests@sdsu.edu. Attendance Coordinator . SUHI is home to several clubs including Link Crew, Media, MECHA, AIA (Asian International Association), Band Club, BSU (Black Student Union), Choir Club, Do Something Club, Folklorico Club, Football, Girls Who Code, Key Club, MECHA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztln), Remember Your Roots Club, Rowing Club, Salty Crew (Fishing Club), CASC, Team R.E.D. Castle Park High School. Principal Rock Springs Junior High Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Human Resource Services | Salary Schedules - Sweetwater Union High Join to view profile. PrincipalAngelo Benedetto Most frameworks in Multicultural Education are . Sweetwater High is composed of passionate teachers and support staff that is dedicated and committed to the success of each student. Copyright 2023 Sweetwater ISD. LaRae Greer. San Diego State University December 14, 2014. [10] Many of these clubs have been around at SUHi for over 3 decades. Non-Discrimination, Title IX and Website Accessibility Statement The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual . SISD Superintendent Deidre Parish has announced via the Sweetwater High School social media platform that Kathy Smartt has been transferred to the High School's Interim Principalship role. SOLD JUN 15, 2022. We need your help! "Ringo was a year ahead of me," Aguirre said. 1944-1969: Mary Olson-Bailey was born in 1913 to Ardenne High School founders . 2900 Highland Avenue National City, CA 91950 Phone: (619) 474-9700 Fax: (619) 474-9715. Accreditation and Quality Assurance PRINCIPAL DIRECTORY 2021-2022 Elementary Schools (Grades PK-5) School Number School Name Principal's Email Address Principal's Name 4071 AGENORIA S. PASCHAL/OLINDA EL PR4071@dadeschools.net CISELY J. SCOTT 1521 AMELIA EARHART ELEMENTARY PR1521@dadeschools.net LISA K. WIGGINS . Southwest High School | Contact Us - Sweetwater Union High School District Mortgage insurance $0. 160 Quintard Street Chula Vista, CA 91911. Sweetwater ISD | Home Welcome to Sweetwater High School, home of the Red Devils! Phone: (619) 474-9700 Fax: (619) 474-7635. Otay Ranch High School | Administration - Sweetwater Union High School Mr. Benedetto's Weekly Principal's Bulletin - Sweetwater Springs You can submit updates directly to the LEA CDS Coordinator Email:Alexander.Salazar-Arbelaez@sweetwaterschools.org, Anna Gutierrez Please join us for the 20th anniversary of the Sweetwater Union High School District Magkaisa Filipino American Student and Parent Conference and to celebrate October as Filipino American History month. Principal jtropp@guhsd.net. Status: Active: Open Date: July 1, 1980 School Type: High Schools (Public) Phone: 619-628-2650. (-1) Programs and Services. Email: amanda.stroberg@sweetwaterschools.org, Maria Ochoa Assistant Principals Secretary (Interim) The purpose of this survey is to find ways to celebrate our successes and improve . My name is Alejandra Inzunza and it is my privilege to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. Sweetwater High School. Sweetwater High School in National City, CA - US News Best High Schools Because the information is voluntarily self-reported, I am thrilled to welcome your children back to school in person. Our Academic Growth in our English Language Arts classes in one of the highest in the Sweetwater Union High School District at 94% growth for all of our students groups taking the SBAC. Sweetwater High School (commonly referred to as SUHi and SUH within the district) is a secondary school located in National City, California, United States. Staff - Sweetwater Union High School District Superintendent at Sweetwater Union removes CVHS principal RSHS Assistant Principal Job in Rock Springs, WY at Sweetwater County Office Assistant I Superintendent, RSHS Principal Support Continued Four-Day School Week Phone: (619) 474-9708 Leighton Conway. 2022 School Accountability Report Card Page 1 of 23 Sweetwater Union High School Sweetwater Union High School 2021-2022 School Accountability Report Card (Published During the 2022-2023 School Year) ----- 2022 School Accountability Report Card . Distance: 7.3 mi. Attendance Coordinator 2505 East County Line Road, Lithia Springs, GA 30122. Email:Ana.Cardoza@sweetwaterschools.org, Theresa Garcia Phone: (619) 397-3850 Carmen Arroyo We can o help the family come in one to bring there student to school in the same district. Title I Coordinator Request Data Update(s). 4280 Sweetwater Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820 | Trulia Main entrance to the Administration Building as seen off of Highland Ave. Sweetwater High School (National City, California), "America's Top Public High Schools | Newsweek Best High Schools | Newsweek.com", "Sweetwater school district gets $8.2 million in settlement over pay-to-play scandal", https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/california/districts/sweetwater-union-high/sweetwater-high-3531/student-body, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sweetwater_High_School_(National_City,_California)&oldid=1142475541, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 16:17. The present day administration building was originally two-stories with the library upstairs.[5]. Ft. 150 Gaut Ave, Sweetwater, TN 37874. [7], According to U.S. News & World Report, based on the 20132014 school year, 99% of Sweetwater's student body is "minority enrollment", with 87% of the student body coming from an economically disadvantaged household, determined by student eligibility for California's reduced-price meal program. Administrative Assistant:Principal Email:Nancy.Resurreccion@sweetwaterschools.org, Karen Adams Nearby homes similar to 159 County Road 324 have recently sold between $355K to $355K at an average of $140 per square foot. We have been working hard all summer to plan for a safe opening of school and to implement best practices to mitigate the risks associated with Covid-19. . Follow @SweetwaterASB Status: Active: Open Date: July 1, 1980 School Type: High Schools (Public) Educational Program Type: Traditional Low Grade: 9: High Grade: 12: Public School . Please welcome our new principal for the 2022-2023 school year, Susie Smith! Assistant Principal M - Z. Email: Richard.Grove@sweetwaterschools.org. California Department of Education (CDE) as a public convenience. Email: Dianne.Huslin@sweetwaterschools.org, Mr. Michael Govea [4], Built in 1882 near the present site of Central Elementary School at 9th Street and E Avenue, National School was the South Bay's first high school. Monroe County Schools Family and Community Survey 2022-2023. Castle Park High School Family, . Middle Schools - Sweetwater Union High School District National's successor, National City High School, was built in 1908 around that same location, where Central Elementary School now stands. https://bit.ly/3pNOSZv. Position Type: Administration/Principal Date Posted: 3/1/2023 Location: Sweetwater High School Closing Date: 03/31/2023 Attachment(s): principal.docx We offer many clubs, sports and an afterschool program for students. The GreatSchools Summary Rating is based on several metrics. Otay Ranch High School | Principal's Message - Sweetwater Union High Dr. Jesus L. Ulloa-Higuera Jesus.Ulloa-Higuera@sweetwaterschools.org The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration . Bonita Vista Middle School - Sweetwater Union High School District Phone:(619) 397-3820 The 2022-23 school year marks the start of an important and exciting opportunity for our students to have an outstanding educational experience. School Districts / Sweetwater Union High 2012-2021 salaries for Sweetwater Union High 64,561 employee records found - Page 1 . Principal. School Directory - TSSAA Sacramento, CA 95814, Contact Us | FAQ Onward, upward, ever forward! Close to I75 and also downtown. Hilltop High School | Principal's Message Coffee with the Principal . Additional Schools - Sweetwater Union High School District Phone: (619) 474-9740 Email: Anna.Gutierrez@sweetwaterschols.org, Deborah Morris Sweetwater High School ; Sweetwater Middle School ; Sweetwater Intermediate School ; East Ridge Elementary ; Southeast Elementary ; Southeast Early Childhood Center ; Stay Connected . Email:Betty.Niemeyer@sweetwaterschools.org, Nancy Resurreccion Areas of focus include: Instructional leadership curriculum support; evaluation of supervision of staff . AP Secretary This year's conference theme is "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" as we recognize our ancestors, Filipino and Filipino American, who fought for opportunities and freedom that we have. Phone: (619) 397-3803 Joyce Newman, class of 1951, is the first and only woman to have served as principal . Principal at Sweetwater Union High School District . Please make time to join us on February 16th to complete and submit the FAFSA! Dear Otay Ranch Mustang Families, Welcome to the 2021 - 2022 school year! Office Assistant II Students may register for classes, through the link provided, until Friday, January 27, 2023. Principal's Message. Principal: Alejandra Inzunza FREE AT-HOME COVID TESTS FOR ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS, STAFF, AND HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS. Sweetwater High School - 2900 Highland Avenue, National City, CA | Trulia 2022-23 PRE-K invitation. Email: Ricardo.Cooke@sweetwaterschools.org, Elizabeth Candelario 205 Day Counselors effective 7-1-2022. Castle Park High School | Administration - Sweetwater Union High School Phone: 423-337-7881. [2], In 2009, Sweetwater High School was named on Newsweek's list of the top 1,500 public high schools in the United States. Address: 1395 Hilltop Drive Chula Vista, CA 91911. Click here to find the link to the Career Survey! 1205 Ragland StreetSweetwater, Tx 79556Phone (325) 235-4371Fax (325) 235-4861. Sweetwater High School. Monte Vista High - School Directory Details (CA Dept of Education) Our vision is that all students will graduate with the skills, knowledge and commitment to be college and career ready. 3230 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Email: kimberly.navarro@sweetwaterschools.org, Anna Marie Sibala Fax: 423-337-0685. Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey with your honest feedback. 7-12 Day School Certificated effective 7-1-2022. Phone: (619) 474-9710 Sweetwater High School 2900 Highland Avenue National City, CA 91950 [ MAP] Phone: (619) 474-9700 Fax: (619) 474-9715. Assistant Principal(OE Z) School Psychologist The Office will reopen on Monday, January 9, 2022. Phone: (619) 397-3815 Hilltop High School. School Colors: Red & WhiteMascot: MustangsSweetwater High School Alma Mater:On Sweetwaters northern border, Reared against the sky, Proudly stands our Alma Mater, As the years go by. In addition, there are parent boosters that support various programs including football and Band. We need your help! Bonita Vista Middle School will be closed from December 19, 2022 - January 6, 2023. 190 Day & Adult School Counselors effective 7-1-2022. 1430 N Street Otay Ranch High School is a community of learners who come from diverse cultural, social, and economic backgrounds, and as such, a unique place to learn and grow. The Red Devil Corps is a class 2A marching band that performs in the SCSBOA circuit. 2900 Highland Avenue National City, CA 91950. Property taxes $170 Home insurance . Contact Us. San Diego, California. Assistant Principal(A GAL) Principal BVM Teachers, Staff and Administration would like to wish all of our students and their families a restful and safe Winter Break! Colors: Royal Blue, Old Gold Google Map Championship History. We missed our students, and are excited to work closely with you to ensure their success, well-being and safety. Sweetwater Union High School District. Assistant Principal(Last Names Garden-O) Founded in 1920, the Sweetwater Union High School District has over 36,000 students in grades 7-12 & over 9,000 adult learners. Principal: Bill Walsh William.Walsh@sweetwaterschools.org Email: Ronne.pietila@sweetwaterschools.org, Karina Campos Chula Vista High School | Principal's Message | Directory Disclaimer, Post-secondary information may be obtained from the. All rights reserved. Olympian High School | Administration Below are links to resources for LEA CDS coordinators for submitting corrections. Email: annamarie.sibala@sweetwaterschools.org, Mary CarmenPerez Principal: Roman Del Rosarioroman.delrosario@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal: Viky MitrovichViky.Mitrovich@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal: Julio AlcalJulio.Alcala@sweetwaterschools.org, 1120 Eastlake ParkwayChula Vista, CA 91915, Principal: Ricardo CookeRicardo.Cooke@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal:Karen Hernandezkaren.hernandez@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal:Dr. Jesus L. Ulloa-HigueraJesus.Ulloa-Higuera@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal: Teresa Kramerteresa.kramer@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal:Louie ZumsteinLouie.Zumstein@sweetwaterschools.org, Jennifer.Barker-Heinz@sweetwaterschools.org, 1925Magdalena AvenueChula Vista, CA 91913, Principal: Dianne Huslindianne.huslin@sweetwaterschools.org, 1250 Olympic ParkwayChula Vista, CA 91913, Principal: Mary Rose PeraltaMaryRose.Peralta@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal: Miriam DugganMiriam.Duggan@sweetwaterschools.org, Principal: Arturo MontaoArturo.Montano@sweetwaterschools.org, 2900 Highland AvenueNational City, CA 91950, Principal:Alejandra InzunzaAlejandra.Inzunza@sweetwaterschools.org.

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