Buyers, Sellers, Agents

Let us find the right family for your home.

Whether you are relocating in town or out of town, we take diligent care in determining the market value for your home and then marketing it well so that you get offers that work for you! Our attention to detail ensures your home is presented in the absolute best light to maximize buyer interest. Whether it's killing a spider before an open house, or hiring the right stagers and contractors to prep the home for sale, Wall-to-Wall’s high standards keep us doing whatever we can to ensure your house is advantageously positioned to make top dollar. Because we are always working with both buyers and sellers, we know what pre-listing repairs will return your investment and what won't. Our agents know what buyers are looking for, and how to overcome your home's "quirks" and accentuate your home's best features.

In the internet era, your home's online presence is pivotal to selling at top dollar. Wall-to-Wall hires a professional company to photograph and edit high definition images that grab buyer's attention. Our agents know how to leverage online exposure by advertising all of our listings on as many web portals as possible.

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